1. There aren't enough hours in the day to get done what I need to get done--or enough hours in the night to get as much sleep as I need.
2. If one of my kids gets sick, it is almost a given that I will get it, too.
3. I cannot force myself to write if I'm not in the 'zone.' Unfortunately.
4. As soon as I sell a new book to a publisher, it is inevitable that I will then hear of four others that sound similar (and probably sold for more $$$ than mine!).
5. You should have a well-thought-out reason for using whatever point-of-view (POV) you use in any given story (this random musing brought on by a debate on a writer's loop I'm on). "But I've always wanted to try writing in first person!" isn't a well-thought-out reason.
6. WINTER'S DESIRE will be out in five days!!!! FIVE days!!! (according to the widget). Don't forget our upcoming celebration/shindig/giveaways (remember that "winter's sparkle" necklace?!).
7. Lastly, just to leave you some eye candy, this is what the heroine's love interest in my upcoming YA book looks like in my mind's eye:

Okay, I'm now ready to pass the microphone. Your turn. Let's hear your random Monday musings.
First, killer pic of young vader (can't remember his name) good choice and congrats again on that sale! Do you have a name for these books?
1) speaking of books-agreed by editors and myself today, my next book based on Whitechapel events will be called "THE DARK SEDUCTION OF MISS JANE" Quite happy about that one.;)
2) thrilled that we are finally healthy at this house (knock on wood)
3) mama proud that result of all their hard work to prepare has landed twin sons together in the All-State choir this year. Its an awesome honor and well-deserved after 5 months of intense preparation. Now to stay healthy...
4) getting close to finishing edits on M & M, taking my time on this one..savoring it , I think is a good word. And surprised that I love it even more than when I started out;)
5)Grateful for the moments that make life worthwhile.
6)Daily realization: you cannot change others, you can only change yourself.
Amanda M
Oooh, I love, love, LOVE the title THE DARK SEDUCTION OF MISS JANE. Has the perfect 'gothic' feel to it!
And huge congrats to the sons! Yeah, keep those voices healthy. No strep!
Young Vader = Hayden Christensen.
First book in the series is now being called HAVEN (not to be confused with Sophie's VELVET HAVEN). But not coming out till Jan. 2011! Feels like forever away...
Congrats on the sales & GREAT titles, ladies!
Just yesterday I submitted "Oasis of Eden" my historical, time-travel, sci-fi, erotic romance to my editor. :) Fingers crossed.
Monday Musings:
1) I'm still floored by the U2 broadcast last night. I have the warm-fuzzies about Bono's message of peace that went out to the ENTIRE WORLD! (And whomever else was listening out there in the universe. ;) )
2) I have a four-day work week this week and next week as I am taking Friday and Monday off to spend time (over my favorite holiday weekend) with my family. We are for Disneyland on Fri! WOOT!
That's it. I'm all mused out I guess. LOL Just can't wait to get to Friday! I think I'm more excited than my 5 year-old. ;)
Hugs -
PS: Amanda, congrats on the All-State choir competition! :)
Awesome pic there. YUM! Love the look on his face.
Random musings...hrm,
1- most people are idiots. Sorry, sometimes it has to be said.
2-life is a ride and sometimes the ride is a rough one.
3-Being a parent is the most awesome and most horrible job in the world.
4-Strawberries and chocolate should always be served together.
And that's all I can think of at the moment. But I like this topic of randomness. :D
congrats to all on sales, titles, and short work weeks!
I've just got up from a nap, I'm going in for nights tonight, so the brain is a bit foggy....here goes....
Monday Musing.
1. If I have to wear an N95 mask again this shift, I'm probably going to go postal.
2. Worrying about partials that have been submitted to acquisions weeks ago is a pointless exercise in futility and time wasting--however, that isn't enough to compel me to stop worrying, and angsting!
3. Why have I never read Karen Marie Monings Highlander series?
4. What will I make for supper?
5. When will my advance check come, because I want to go shopping.
Geesh, reading this over, I've now come to the conclusion, I'm boring as hell!!
Charlotte, I'm with you in waiting for the advance check--why do they always take so long?! And it's only when you forget about it that it actually arrives. And it's only when you decide the book at acquisitions is 'dead' that you make the sale, LOL!
Genella, oh, how I wish I was going to Disneyland on Friday, too! Have fun!
Thanks, Kristi!
Keeping everything crossed,Genella!
They will love it!!
and Disney over Halloween???????
Try your best to have a good time!! ;))
Charlotte-- this is a good question, why haven't you read Karen Marie Monings Highlander series???? OMG hot, sizzling and wipe-drool-from-your-chin heros. Yup, READ THEM! :D
Okay, it is late... At least on my end... so my musing may be a bit different.. but first things first:
Kristina ~ Congrats hon!!!! And I am loving the title for your book and can not wait to read more about it!
To all you ladies here at LIT: You freaking rock! Okay.. there I said it. No taking it back.. it is out there for the world to read!!! You are all some amazing authors, wives, mothers and just friends. And I think that is simply amazing! So, thank you for your time you give as writer, your talent you hand over to the computer or pen and the devotion you give to you family and work and writing!!! Again, you all rock!
Okay... musing time... Here goes in the world of unknown right now.
1. How come no one puts dishes in the dishwasher - when it is right by the sink.
2. How come people at work always try to pawn their stuff off to someone else, but I never do.
3. Why can not we cure snoring (listening to hubby snore as I type, lol ~ if only you could hear him)
4. Four more days till my 34th birthday.
5. My baby girl is not a baby girl.. she is 16 now.
6. Why the best ideas for a story hit me when I cannot type... the shower, at work when I can not access my email to send it to myself and then I forget them.
7. I hate bills!
Okay.. I think that is all for now.. I hope you ladies had a great Monday and have a wonderful tomorrow!
Musings: It's really nice to read everyone else's musings. I feel a real interconnectedness, just knowing we're all out there, living our lives, celebrating our private joys.
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