Wow, us LIT Ladies are really falling asleep on the job here...the poor blog looks abandoned! Time to stir things up, I think!
First off, I have to tell you that I got my author's copies of WINTER'S DESIRE last week, and had the chance to read the entire thing, in 'book form', which is a very different experience than reading the individual novellas on the computer and imagining them all bound together by the prologue. And let me just take a moment to brag on my co-authors--because their stories were amazing, totally drawing me into their worlds. And talk about HOT! I loved the way the common theme was weaved throughout, and I loved the way everyone had their own distinct 'style.' I'm really proud to be a part of this unique book, and I just can't wait till you can read it!
Now, back to today's subject....sexy villains. And I'm talking true 'bad guys' here, not just those 'bad boys' that *really* have hearts of gold. There seem to be two types of villains in books/movies/TV shows: the grotesque type, and the hot, sexy type. Does it bother you when the villain is somehow appealing, despite his dastardly deeds?
I'm a big fan of the TV show HEROES, and the villain, Sylar, is a bad, bad guy. He kills people, among other stuff. Yeah, we've got his backstory, and that makes us feel a bit sorry for him, gives us a bit of understanding, but c'mon, he's killing people. And yet somehow he's the most popular character on the show. Women love him. I love him. He's scarily sexy. Forget Peter Petrelli, the good guy 'hero' who looks like he stepped off the cover of GQ. Women love Sylar. There are fansites *everywhere* dedicated to him, far more than any other HEROES character. He even has an "Army" (Sylar's Army, aka "Sarmy," a hugely popular web site devoted to his character).
Recently I was fiddling around with a YA paranormal manuscript that I've been working on for a while (which, I'm happy to announce just SOLD!!! Details later). There's a bad-guy villain in the book who's threatening the book's main characters, and originally I'd written him as unattractive, with greasy long hair and a hook nose. But while revising, I somehow managed to change his physical description to something far more appealing--don't ask me why. But...there's just something about a sexy villain!

I know there are more examples...Anakin Skywalker, for one (see above!). I mean, you know what he becomes and you know you're supposed to hate him, but....you're drawn to him, anyway.
Who else? I'd love to hear more examples--from books, TV, or movies--of really sexy villains that you know you're supposed to hate, but can't resist.
Congrats on your YA Sale!!!!!!
In all the excitement, I forgot to answer.
Any bad guy played by Jason Isaacs or Johnny Depp.
Ooooh, Jason Isaacs! Yeah, I second that. I'd take Daniel Craig playing a bad guy, too. Bond is an interesting character, now that I think about it--because yeah, he's the 'hero' and yeah, he's just doing his job. But his job is to be a killer, and he does it with panache and without regrets. Which kinda makes him a 'bad' guy, doesn't it?!
Oh, and thanks for the congrats!
Gerard Butler in Phantom of the Opera and Billy Zane in Dead Calm are some of my faves.
Oh, and how could I forget Colin Firth as Lord Wessex???
I'll go with you to Virginia, baby!
Great topic! I'm so glad I found this blog. It has just the right amount of man-candy and great conversation that I love. *beg*
As for bad boy villian...I don't watch many tv shows so I'll have to go with a book one, Stryker from Sherrilyn Kenyon. He is one bad dude, but you can't help but *sigh* when you read about him. She even made him into his own hero, yet still keep him evil. How she did that, I have no idea.
I'm with you Genella, anything Johnny Depp plays, wether bad boy or hero, is a winner in my book. :D
We're glad you found us, too, Kira!
I've never read any Sherrilyn Kenyon, but maybe I should!
Of course you should!!! But of course, this coming from a huge Sherrilyn fan who has a whole shelf dedicated to her books and who MUST buy the books the DAY they come out. Yeah-- I'm slightly obsessed.
But it's such a wonderful thing to be obsessed over. *beg*
You can read her newest, BORN OF NIGHT, if you want to start somewhere. And any of her Dark-Hunter books are terrific- ACHERON especially.
any winner from tracy blog
Kira - Ash is one of my top 3 fave heros of all time. Sigh***
Yeah, Sherri can sure flesh out a man.
Cillian Murphy from Red Eye. Creepy, but oh so appealing, hehe!
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