Hello LIT readers, it is I, Lord Craven-Moore once again, coming out of hibernation to do my part. Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and love and liscentiousness is in the air! Well...at least the air I breathe.
In preparation for this event, I've been surfing the net as they say, in search of the perfect gifts for my LIT Ladies. Charlotte has her eye, and her heart set on this black corset from Hips and Curves. I think she would look rather ravishing, and as a fan of corsets, I think she should buy it. Is it only men who are fans of corsets I wonder? Hmmmm.....
However, she laments 'when would I wear it'...ah hum....this is a lady who writes erotic romance for heavens sakes. Where is the imagination? Where is the daring-do? 'But it's so expensive', she responds. And I tell her, in the most ardent of terms possible, that men do not give a bloody damn how much something costs when it is also for their benefit. Men, it seems, forget about pound notes when the female form is tantazlyingly seen through transparent fabric. In this case, money and lust seem to merge into a very satisfactory transaction. In other words, a woman dressed in lingerie, no matter the cost, makes everything all right with the world.
I nearly have Charlotte talked into purchasing this corset even though she finds the cost prohibitive, and the functionality questionable. I offered to purchase it for her, but she went positively green at that mention. It was something about sizing and measurements I believe. Women....I shall never quite understand you. How is your man to buy you a surprise when you refuse to give up your measurements?
So, my Wicked Wednesday question for you is, your favorite lingerie for Valentine's Day, and do you prefer to buy it for yourself as a surprise for your man, or do you prefer to have him buy what he desires to see you in? C'mon ladies,I know you're all so very wicked, and I do so love wicked women. I am a cheap thrill, tease me, tantalize me...
With much love and wickedness
Lord CM
for more lingerie ideas for the voluptuous type, visit www.hipsandcurves.com
I always love to be surpised on Valentine's Day, with something wicked or something cute.
I think it appeals more to you when your thought of when it comes to surpises!
Thanks for the link! It reminded me that I wanted to find a 1920's type lacy robe & camisole set for St. Valentine's Day. I so rarely indulge in such things for myself . . .
I'll go with either him making the purchase or myself as a surprise.
PS - I got my copy of "Lords of Desire" - I can't wait to dive in!
Here is an off-topic question for the LIT gals - What books will you have with you to sign at RT?
Oh, I love Valentine's Day surprises! The only problem is, my hubby, like most men, seems entirely *clueless* when it comes to women's lingerie sizes. Doesn't it EVER occur to them to simply grab something from their wife's/girlfriend's lingerie drawer, check the size, write it down, and take it with them shopping?!
That said, there's nothing funnier to me than dropping into a Victoria's Secret just before V-Day, and watching the clueless, embarrassed men poke around the lingerie!
Genella--THANKS so much for buying LoD!!! I hope you enjoy it!!
As to RT, I know I'll be signing LoD--can't remember if I requested To Love A Scoundrel, too. So...really nothing 'new' for me. :o(
Hi all, I have to say my life has been akin to a blender these days ;) so I am trying to find the normalcy!
Lord CM has been most kind to offer the warmth of his embrace as I ponder the oddities of life on the lovely red velvet Sauvigon sofa we have in the parlour. The blazing fire and the strength of a man's arms does wonders for the weary soul, wouldnt you agree?
Genella, have you tried the Victorian Trading Co. catalog? www.victoriantradingco.com
they have some loverly things there!
I think in lieu of a card,chocolates, or the traditional aspects, I prefer to have a quiet evening snuggled with my guy in front of a fireplace and let nature do the rest ;)
Nearly forgot--I will be signing Diary of Cozette at the Saturday bookfair w/ coverflats of Tortured (Aug '09) and hopefully Winters Desire (Nov'09)
and Mirror, Mirror and Risky Business at the E-expo book fair on WED.
I'll be giving away a limited number of copies of Faery Song-- my contemporary /fantasy duet with Isabo Kelly at the Faery Ball, on Thursday night.
If I may interject here...for those in the Washington, DC area --along about July 15-18--you'll be able to catch ALL THREE LIT ladies at the RWA Literacy booksiging as well!
Amanda! That link is going to get me into TROUBLE!! Thanks - I need some trouble right about now . . . :D
And I'm going to get a signed copy of Diary of Cozette from you at RT! Squeeee!
very cool, Genella! I love that catalog-- I think all of the LIT ladies drool over its pages!!
Oh lordy! Can't wait to personalize a copy of Cozette for you! ;)) Have to start thinking about that now....hum....
Unfortunatly, I have too many deadlines, bills, and the with the Canadian Loonie doing a nose dive, I won't be going to RT. However, I will be in Washington at the RWA conference in July, and if you stick around the blog in Feb and March, I'll be giving away a signed copy, or copies of Addicted and Naughty Bits!
I like to choose the lingerie myself. A surprise is nice, too. Agent Provocateur has gorgeous stuff, but they're super expensive.
Jane what a GORGEOUS site! The pics are incredible. Unfortunately, I don't think the girls and the thighs are going to fit in their offerings...sigh...
Thanks for telling us about this site though, I'm sure our skinny witch...er....pardon me, our 'more diminutive' visitors will be most appreciative! lol!
Oh, Fooey, Charlotte! I'll sure miss you at RT!
And unless a miracle happens, I probably won't make RWA this year.
Sorry Genella!
We'll hook up! no worries
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