Let's try another...

I'll leave you with this last one, Rob with his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart. Hate to break the spell and include one with a girl--but I just love this photo. It's SO romantic! Wait, are we allowed to be romantic on Wicked Wednesday?!

Now send us those captions (you can caption just one, or all three) in the comments! I'll allow Lord Craven-Moore to help me choose the most clever one, and I'll send the winner a prize pack--a signed copy of TO LOVE A SCOUNDREL and a coverflat for my upcoming February release, LORDS OF DESIRE, and maybe some other fun stuff, too. Good luck!
***WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Lana and Sarabelle! Please see comments for instructions on claiming your prizes!***
I think Pic #2 is thinking:
"When I find the fella who pulled down my trousers and did *THIS* to my hair, well I'll... well, he'd better watch out! I played a vampire after all!"
Oh thanks for the break! Revisions. 'nuf said.
okay, I cant really win, but I just want to pull away from the Dark Ages a sec ;)
That guy has more hair than I do! heehee
#1- I've got to stop biting chicks who go for Captain Morgan.
#2-if I told mom once I told her ninety times, DON"T PUT MY SWEATPANTS IN THE DRYER!"
gotta say I like that stubble on his chin!
LOL!! Those are *great*! Keep 'em coming!
Im not thinking in a very pg 13 mood right now so sorry if i offend anyone but pic # 3 comment:
I promise it is suppose to be bigger then that, I am just not sure why its not working. :)
LOL, Sarabelle! Hey, this is the LIT Manor...it's impossible to offend us here! Feel free to be naughty...
I knew there was a reason I love this place so much. :)
Picture #1....How does he do it? How does Craven-Moore get ALL the chicks?
#2...maybe it's like this, with my knickers hanging out of my trousers as I pray my member will not disappoint!
#3 what would Craven-Moore say at this very moment...hmm, something about 'darling, I don't bite, unless of course you want me to, then I'm an absolute cannible
Oh...I do make myself laugh at times! And the man really needs to get a valet...that hair!
LOL, sarabelle! That's perfect.
I have a typo in there, my apologies lady. I'm usually much more clever with my fingers!
Im sure that "clever with your fingers" does not pertain to typing.
Pic # 2. "Do you think these pants make my butt look big?"
LMAO! This is SO much fun! I'm going to have *such* a hard time choosing one. More, more....
Oh, and Rob's hair?! He cut it off. Major buzz cut. I'm still in mourning. Well, not too much, because he's still smokin' hot, but still...
after seeing pic # 3, you should be glad that at least something is going to be hard. OMG I am so bad!!!
1 - Now where did I put those keys?
2 - When I get my hands on that hairdresser, he's toast!
3 - Did I shower this morning? These are fresh pants, aren't they?
Nice photos, Kristina!
#1--Oh, damn, I forgot my belt.
#2--Oh, damn, I forgot my belt and I REALLY needed it.
#3--Did you know your pants are down around your ankles?
Okay, back to work. I had to post this anonymous since son #3 is signed on to google mail on my computer.
Sally MacKenzie
LOL, Sally!! I love the running theme in your captions...who knew the pictures told a story?!
1) When is this photo session going to end?
2) I'm gonna smash the guy who chose this outfit.
3) She says, "Look! I have one, too!"
Picking winners time--well, they're *all* so good that Lord Craven-Moore and I couldn't really pick just one, so....we decided to go with the first two responses--Lana and Sarabelle!
If both of you email me your snail mail addy at KristiAstor @ aol. com
(minus the spaces, of course!) I'll send out the prizes.
And thanks to everyone for playing along!
Thank you so much. I had a blast thinking up captions.
Woohoo, Lana and Sarabelle! And thanks again for the fun this week, Kristina! Quite delightful! ;)
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