Roses are Red,
Violets are blue,
Craven-Moore awaits in bed
Looking for some company or two!
What do we think? Shall I go to work at Hallmark penning Valetine's Day cards? LOL!
Poetry has always confounded me. I am much more direct in my dealings, but I do realize that you ladies like the odd bit of poetry and I am not above giving you some, albeit my brand.
Back in my day, I ran from this particular holiday. All those pesky entanglements and such. But this year, I'm feeling rather blue. It is that time of year again at the manor....deadline time. I have no playmates to amuse me. No nubile fingers tickling me in the night. If only I were a keyboard, I could be fingered the night through....ah hmm....I digress.
As I was saying, it is rather dreary from where I stand, and knowing how a simple poem or a pretty letter can make the fairer sex squeal in delight, I'm having a contest to see, if I, too, might squeal. So what is this contest, you ask?
It is a Love Letter Contest. To me, of course.
Now, the rules..dear me, those LIT ladies are rather fond of rules. I'd give you carte blanche, but apparently it must be PG-13.
Right then...Now for more rules...
1. Please mark your comments 'Love Letter Contest'. Preferably to this post. The LIT ladies will remind visitors to scroll down to this post to find me. (They are excessively good at reminding, just as good as rule making, in fact!)
2. The poem or letter must be no longer than 400 words, and of the PG-13 variety.
3. The poem or letter to give me the all-over quivers will be the winner of a $75.00 gift certificate to either Barnes and Noble or Amazon~your preference (because I do aim to please, ladies!).
4. Because I'm a firm believer in the pleasure of numbers, I shall be picking three runners-up who will receive the latest copy of Kristi's, Amanda's, and Charlotte's books (one book to each runner-up).
5. The winner shall be announced by moi on Monday Feb 16th.
Good luck, my lusty readers. I await with baited breath to read these entries! And thank you so much for tolerating me this past year!
Lord CM

No entries yet?!?!? C'mon, everyone! Lord CM is waiting......
M'lord yet sleeps as I pen this short note to all the ladies out there. He would give me a sound spanking (not that this is a new thing) were he to know I was whispering his inner most concerns to you. Sssshhhh, come closer.....
The true reason that milord has made request for your love letters good women, is that...well, he discovered quite by accident a touch of silver just above his ear.
We all here at the manor cooed over him as always, attempting to dissapate his concerns, but his manner revealed the thought of it weighing on him. He was not to be consoled.
And then he instigated this contest--
so I beg you miladies, for the sake of us all, but mostly for the sake of a beloved rakes' precious heart and fragile ego--not to mention other parts of him which function exceedingly well--
pen him your note of passion. Let him know he is still desirable and that like a fine wine, he grows better with age.
Oh! I hear him stirring in his chambers above...I must close this, but with heartfelt hope that you will have compassion and see to igniting again the fire of a man most worthy pf your adoration!!!
good writing to you all~
'Touch of silver' has now been thoroughly rectified! I've discovered a delightful new product.....Just For Men.
I am now as sable as a foxy little mink!
Upon my word, I do love the 21st. century!
Amanda, I am most seriously displeased with you for giving away information of such a personal nature. You know what happens when I am put out! Fifty lashes for you...which shall it be, feather or silk???
Hugs and kisses
Were I able, of my affection for you alone, to appease you milord, I would most gladly. But your carnal appetite is more than just one woman can handle ;) Your pacing about the manor, lost in your thoughts, unable to inspire even one wicked grin from your sumptuous mouth gave me grave concern. Your doldrum was more than I could bear.
If I had known it would take only a box of coloring to revitalize your...um. will, I will now make sure you have ample supply at the ready, along side your other grooming supplies.(*btw, you are out of the ones I like that tickle ;)
I admit selfishly, that this request to offer poems and letters of sublime adoration will have benefit for us here at the manor....
Forgive me, dearheart?? *offering a sweet pout and these new-fangled things I found online called furry handcuffs?
your angel Amanda ;)
"Love Letter Contest"
My Darling Craven-Moore
How many times have I written that down I do not remember, for I lack the courage to even speak to you when you cross my path. My eyes always follow you through the crowd as you smile and greet those beautiful women who adore you as I do.
I can’t even remember how many letters I have written to confess my thoughts and feelings.. I lay awake night after lonely night trying to write words that may say what beats in my heart. But every time I have made the attempt, I have failed, My letters go unsent, hidden away much like my heart.
Please forgive me and my poor effort and accept a trite and simple confession:
I have fallen deeply in love with you.
Well, then, there it is milord, the first of many such epistles I am certain you are to receive from your adoring flock of admirers.
Well done, Ranearia. A most fitting and lovely tribute to Lord C-M.
I confess to being a bit envious of your subtle innocent ways
In retrospect, I am not all all sure that I like this contest...*sniff
What other literary tokens of affection await you milord?
twirling her fuzzy handcuffs
Love Letter Contest
My Lord Craven-Moore
Your words, they vibrate through my soul
Awakenings and racing thoughts on the go
My heart has been hit
You need to know
In the shadows I shall stay
Not letting go
My mind has lost control
Oh, I just don't know
Ulterior motives
Player on the move
All possibilities
What do I have to lose
I voice my fears
Heart already shakes and quivers
You listen and feel
"Patience" you reveal
I am so scared
I am so excited
I am so anxious
I am so delighted
Emotions unlocked
I let you in
Feelings enhanced
There's no return
Your words sing to me
Time soars by
I am entranced by you
Pure laughter and joy
I feel a great loss
When we're unable to talk
I can never get enough
You've become a part of me
I follow my heart
It's all I can do
Time will tell
If our love is true.
Tam G.
Ranearia, that was just exquisite! What a wonderful, thoughtful entry.
This isn't going to be easy, but then, nothing ever is with Craven-Moore!
Gorgeous letter!
Thanks for visiting and good luck.
Love Letter Contest
My darling Craven-Moore,
Last night at the Rothchilde ball, my heart pounded and my breath became short as I viewed your masculine beauty. I longed to be held in your strong arms and to drink from your luscious lips. My cheeks grow warm as I fantasize about joining you in your bed and worshiping your splendid body. It is my hope that you will one day notice my lustful stares and that all my dreams of being your lover will come true. Until that day comes, I will caress you with my eyes and my thoughts will be filled of you.
Your Devoted Admirer
Love Letter Contest
To you, my love, Lord Craven Moore
I confess I'm tired of those that bore
The time with you cannot be forgotten
And makes me dismiss those that were rotten
Forget my reputation and bring your appetite
For I plan a surprise meant to excite
A game of fox and rabbit is what I desire
A garden bunny I am, that willfully tires
A bit scandalous, but oh so much fun
A chase and a catch, we've only just begun
Come along with me and you will see
A life far more interesting than afternoon tea
I send to you, Lord, my vow of love
Along with passion you can take hold of
Love Letter Contest
My lord, turn away from me.
It is not that I do not love you; my love encompasses All your circumference, and my eyes can ne'er slide away from your Equator.
Turn away, my lord, that I may sail the length and breadth of you, my hand my ship, this perfumed oil my sea.
Turn away so I might journey across your perfect arse.
I would like to reiterate Charlotte's thanks for helping make this first year such fun! We had no idea there were so many fans of wickedly romantic historicals out there!! We love it!
Great poems and letters, !! Keep 'em coming! Lord CM's ego is most decidedly inflated from your sultry seduction and wicked words!
We may have unleashed a greater beast than we bargained for here at the manor! Ooh..I just got a shiver!;)
Prizes, surprises, awesome guests and plans for a live updates from the Romantic Times Convention and RWA convention are in the works this year! Yes, we're thinking of taking Lord CM on the road with us...what will he think of the gala events?? Not to mention all those women?!
So spread the word! Readers, authors and Lord Craven Moore fan club members alike--there is more fun to share in our second year!
I've just entered Utopia...conferences with hundreds of women who believe in romance, who love rakes, rogues, and libertines, and all without their male-counterparts!!!
Whoever transported me here to the 21st. century, I lay myself at your feet and beg you to chain me here!!!!
A Pleasantly amused Lord CM
The chains again? You wicked rogue!
I can see we're going to have to tighten that collar of yours a bit m'lord. *raising a brow*
Down boy....
and wipe that smirk off your face.
Love Letter Contest
I came to this place to see who M'Lord was. I saw his picture and fell in love at first sight!
Oh, that marbled chest.
Oh, those strong arms.
Oh, that chiseled jaw.
Oh, I fear my heart will burst.
I stroked your fine torso and wished I had my hand on your warm skin.
I stroked your fine torso and wished I had those strong arms securely around me.
Yes, I am irrepairabley in love and I can only sigh!
Valerie in Germany
Love Letter Contest
My Dear Lord Craven-Moore
Whenever I day dream
and I often do
In my lonely heart
I dream only of you
I'm longing to hold you
and I wish I could tell
with only a look
you put me in a spell
For now I keep it hidden
and only admire from afar
this desire is forbidden
but in my dreams you are
A secret admirer
Dearest Lord Craven-Moore,
It saddens me to hear that such a handsome and charming young man, such as yourself, would be suffering from a bit of loneliness. I haven’t the slightest doubt that the ladies of the manor do appreciate all that you have contributed with regard to your “duties”.
I must admit to you that, unfortunately, I am a married woman. I will however say, that last evening as my poor and unsuspecting husband lie watching television, I was completely and utterly engrossed in each and everyone of your posts. You have quite a talent for bringing forth a smile to a young lady’s lips. Well, and of course I must also reluctantly admit--as if you weren’t already aware--to having admired your rather breathtaking pecks on more than one occasion this past evening. And today. And likely tomorrow…sigh.
You are a sight to behold, Lord Craven-Moore. If only we had met in another place and time…
I shall promise nevertheless, to continue enjoying your entertaining posts (among other things).
With warmest regards.
Oy..I didn't write Love Letter Contest on my post! Craven-Moore! See what you do to me?! You have me all distracted!
Love Letter Contest
* * * * * * * *
Dearest Lord Craven-Moore,
My feelings for you cause me to resort to all those cliched phrases--
my heart *does* beat faster at the mere thought of you, it does flip over when I catch one of your incredible smiles, it does race when I catch that fierce look of intent in your eye, and it does threaten to explode with the joy filling it as I reflect on the magnitude of the blessing that is us together. (My, has love also hit me with the sappy stick?)
This... thing, dare I call it a relationship? still surprises me--all our pasts fade away, all those imperfects were just practice for what we now share. And all these seeming cliches feel as fresh and true and new as they must have for Adam and Eve, those first lovers. With you I feel as if we are finding a new way, a new joy--I'm just a blithering fool for you ;p
Happy Valentine's Day, darling!
Your devoted servant (or whatever role we decide to play today ;))
My Darling-
I cannot express to you how much I wish I were wrapped up in your arms, instead of alone here in my brother's castle. The looks we exchanged the other night at the party is enough to keep me warm...for the moment.
My greatest desire is to be with you. To touch you, kiss you, love you. It is torture that we are apaart.
It is only through my love for you that I endure.
With all my love...
Okay, that was fun! :) It wasn't the best, but hey! :D
Go, Bridget!
excellent Bridget!! I think Lord CM feared that his devoted admirers had found other suitors for the day!
Valentine messages are indeed one of his favorite joys!
..amongst other things!
And I just realized how many typos I had. *sigh* That's what I get for not proofreading. *eye roll*
Thanks, guys! :)
No worries, Bridget!
Lord CM is not an editor, he transcends such trivialities when it comes to passion!
My Dear Craven-Moore
If all the world and love were young,
And truth in every shepherd's tongue,
These pretty pleasures might me move
To live with thee and be thy Love.
But Time drives flocks from field to fold;
When rivers rage and rocks grow cold;
And Philomel becometh dumb;
The rest complains of cares to come.
The flowers do fade, and wanton fields
To wayward Winter reckoning yields:
A honey tongue, a heart of gall,
Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall.
Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses,
Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies
Soon break, soon wither--soon forgotten,
In folly ripe, in season rotten.
Thy belt of straw and ivy-buds,
Thy coral clasps and amber studs,--
All these in me no means can move
To come to thee and be thy Love.
But could youth last, and love still breed,
Had joys no date, nor age no need,
Then these delights my mind might move
To live with thee and be thy Love.
wow kimmy!
mouth hanging open...
Hm isn't that last one Sir Walter Raleigh's poem Her Reply?
Love Letter Contest
Lord Craven-Moore:
Yours is the name
I sigh in my secret thoughts
When dreaming and awake.
I long to be near you,
and when you are close
Shyness takes me
Composure fails me
Such joy overflows me as I have yet to comprehend.
Between us few words are needed.
The lightest touch of fingertips to fingertips,
A lingering press of cheek to cheek
Your soft kisses of "I'm here",
my trembling curve of a smile.
Intimate murmurs in the dark
Sharing hopes, longings, fears
Scents of skin, quickened breaths,
Our feelings fill the air
Lord Craven-Moore:
As elusive as a wish,
as real as a hunger,
To adore and be adored
In your arms, all ways.
yup, it's Sir Walter Raleigh's poem Her Reply. Been awhile since i read Raleigh. great eye Marie!
Love Letter Contest
To the Lord of My Heart,
Your eyes that shine true,
Touch me through and through.
In the center of my soul,
You've made me whole.
Forever in my dream,
We make an amazing team.
I want to proclaim our love,
To the Heavens up above.
When I feel your touch,
My heart beats so much.
When I feel your kiss,
My heart fills with bliss.
Come beside me, my dear,
And let me hold you near.
In our bed as we lay,
Waiting for a brand new day.
We will always be together,
Logistics do not matter.
Whether in bad or good,
Our love is as solid as wood.
With all my love and joy,
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