Excuse me while I purr in masculine satisfaction! Dear me, I was utterly seduced and ravished by those entries. How was I to pick? I had each LIT Lady read each entry to me while I lounged in bed, sipping on port. Like a fine vintage, those letters heated my blood!
I will say, it was not easy to pick amongst such enthusiastic and intriguing entries. Every one had something of merit, and the LIT Ladies got into a bit of a scuffle at one point, but I brought them back to the matter at hand with my own particular skill (a three-day bacchanal, but who's counting!).
At one point, I think the ladies got rather jealous of my love letters (don't tell them, for they will deny it!)
Alas, I did choose the entries that most stirred me.
The runners up are Kammie, Allison and Victoria. Thanks to you, ma petite anges, for playing. I hope you'll stay and play with me a while yet. The three of you have won a copy of Charlotte's, Amanda's or Kristi's latest release. Congrats to you all!!
And the winner of the gift certificate, the woman of my heart, the letter to litter my bed is.....Ranearia. My dear, do please drop by the manor. I think we might be kindred spirts! Don't let the LIT Ladies put you off, for they we will be under deadline for the next few months, and I am always sadly neglected during deadlines!
Please email the ladies at charlotte@charlottefeatherstone.net and they will get the particulars and logistics worked out. Particulars are not my forte, but logistics...well, let us say that logistics have never been a hindrance to me!
To all of the participants, I thank you and send you a plethora of hugs and kisses.
Till next time!
Yours ever,
Lord CM
Congrats to the lucky ladies ;)
Congrats to all the winners!! But let me just say, there were *so* many excellent entries! You guys are SO creative! Very, very impressive.
*blushes* Oh wow, am speechless...
My cat was wondering why I was hiding under my desk when I pressed publish with my letter. *laughs*
Thank you so much Lord C-M and you wonderful Lit Ladies. Congrats to the winners!
Congrats to the lucky winners. *sniffle* Maybe one of these days. I guess I just wasn't romantical enough. LOL!
Wonderful! The man finally roused from his slumber!
I suppose now he'll be wanting his evening meal, followed by his port and a riveting game of strip chess--which we never win.(but losing is grand!)
And no doubt he will order his private coach to summon Ms. Ranearia to the manor.
Life with a rake. It's not just the leaves that fall, so do broken hearts.
Be comforted those not chosen--as milord and the ladies here, are always cooking up something to share;))
Heartfelt congratulations and thanks to all you attempted to woo our insatiable resident rogue.
Congrats to the winners.
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