Happy February, everyone! So much to look forward to this month. As you know, LORDS OF DESIRE got a slightly early release (end of Jan.). I've been hearing from lots of folks who found it in their local stores already--apparently on the "New in Paperback" table up front at some Barnes & Noble stores, so that's exciting! I've already gotten teased by my friend's husband for some of the 'naughty words' in my novella. ("Cunny"--the husband made a point of using it conversationally in a sentence at dinner Saturday night--yes, there was a lot of Sangria flowing....) My sister just emailed to say she read it this morning and enjoyed it--but pointed out that it was very short (yeah, it's a novella, LOL!). My mom bought it this weekend but hasn't since mentioned reading it, which leads me wonder if she found it more scandalous than my previous books (see word in italics above!). And I've even received a couple of wonderful emails from total-stranger readers telling me how much they enjoyed Swept Away (and never doubt how much an author LOVES to receive such notes! There's nothing more satisfying!). All the usual new release fun stuff!

I'm also looking forward to reading my good friend Caroline Linden's first release with Avon Books (her previous titles were published by Zebra), A View to a Kiss. I remember reading a draft of the opening scene way back when, and even then I was hooked! Sort of a James Bond/Mission Impossible meets Regency England. It's also on its way here from Amazon. I might be able to twist Caroline's arm later this month and get her stop by for a day of guest blogging.
Also up this month at the LIT manor: my fellow LORDS OF DESIRE anthology-mates, Sally MacKenzie and Victoria Dahl, will be joining us soon as guest bloggers. They're both talented and funny and quite sassy, actually, so it should be fun having them.
And then we'll be sponsoring a "Love Letter Contest" for Valentine's Day with some BIG prizes to give away (I mean big!). Keep watching for more details!
We're also celebrating the one-year anniversary of Lust in Time--time sure flies when you're having fun! So who knows what we might do to honor that milestone--but I'm sure Lord Craven-Moore will have something to do with it.
Hope you'll plan on joining us throughout the month for all the fun and festivities.
I'll leave you with this question: any February books (besides LORDS OF DESIRE and ADDICTED, of course!) you're particularly looking forward to reading?
I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I recieved my presents in the mail and I am so looking forward to reading them. I havent had a chance to jump into them yet because we had a nasty ice storm and lost power and things have just been way to crazy around here to be able to sit down and enjoy it. But kids are back in school today and I am hoping to be able to start the book today. Please keep fingers crossed that this will happen. :)
Wanted to add that in addition to ADDICTED and A VIEW TO A KISS, I also pre-ordered and can't wait to read Ann Christopher's ROAD TO SEDUCTION (I think it's a Kimani release). Ann is incredibly talented and I *love* her books, which I fear some romance readers might miss out on because they are sometimes 'segregated' into the African-American fiction section rather than the Romance section.
I know there's an ongoing debate about where romance books written by African-American authors "fare" better, but Ann's books are *great* romance, pure and simple, and I highly recommend them!
Fingers crossed, Sarabelle!! Glad it made it there safely, and I hope you enjoy!! Glad your powers back on--it's been crazy, weather-wise, lately.
I'm 2/3's of the way through your story in LoD - It's WONDERFUL!! I must say, I loved EVERY story in that book! It's going in my recomended reads on my website asap!
Big (((HUGS))) and congrats!!
I just read my first Ann Christopher book and loved it. It was Tender Secrets and I also have Road to Seduction waiting in the wings. She is a fabulous writer.
I'm looking forward to Monica McCarty's second book in her new Highland trilogy :) And the ones already mentioned sound fabulous! Congrats on Addicted and Lords of Desire!
OK - Having tech trouble earlier - but it works now!
I'm looking forward to Karen Rose's "Kill For Me."
I'm looking forward to Scandal by Carolyn Jewel (she's a new to me author) and Sharon Page's The Club. Sharon will be going us early in March to talk about it. I really like her writing.
Congrats to Charlotte and Kristi on their Feb. releases! I have Kristi's book at my bedside and I just received word that Addicted is on its way from B&N!
I have been so busy with life (read my blog today at Fresh Fiction-link in the sidebar) to see why--that it has made reading a pure luxury! I cannot wait to settle in with these books and actually read them stem to stern, instead of pieces & parts! LOL
Kristi was right though when she hinted at the fun we have in store for our anniversary month!! Yep,the LIT manor is one year old!
Hard to believe!
So stop by often to see what lovely things can be yours!!!(besides Lord Craven-Moore!) *wiggling eyebrows*
One of the latest renovations is the sidebar appearences!! And a brand new guest blooger list coming soon!
If you get the chance, please stop into those venues and leave a comment, or listen to a live radion interview, or visit us at a booksigning!
More to come~~~
Congrats on the February releases! Otherwise this month, I'm waiting on SO ENCHANTING by Connie Brockway and the new Lupi book by Eileen Wilks.
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