In this brief interlude..post Valentines Day rush--
a bit more temptation. I kind of like the blue collar man;) This is RT Cover model
Brooks Johnson on a pose down of pics of the everyday hero--the type of male that I LOVE to write about! A bit guarded,seen a lot of life-good and bad-likes things a little dirty,loves to laugh,is a good friend and even better lover!
Though the pic is contemporary--the character is very much like my hero, Ranulf, in WINTER AWAKENING.(Nov. '09) The king appointed (blue-collar) knight sent to observe the marriage of a Marcher lord to a Welsh Baron's daughter. Oh the web's we weave....
one of the novellas in the first in the Celtic Spice mini-series, Winter's Desire...
Boy, you ladies really know how to pick some hotties!! Move over Nathan.
WHOA--nice pic, Amanda! Yeah, I love that rugged look, too. He looks like...a fireman hero, maybe. Why is it that firemen are *always* hot?!
Well, if you saw the fireman who lived next door to us, you would definitely amend the always hot...I wonder how he gets to a fire without having a massive heart attack! But the cop on the other side of me....whew!!! He's a Mountie and I caught him dressed up in his formal unform for Canada Day last summer. Wow....
Let's just say that Mr. Charlotte had to give me a bit of a shove to gain my attention! And he's single girls!!!!!
My husband swears he swings the other way, but I don't think so!
you know there is just something about that name...Mountie. grrrr
sorry Cougar alert ;)
LOL! Charlotte, I think all jealous men swear that hot guys who make them feel inferior swing the other way, lol! My husband claims the same thing.
Although, he does say as we drive past the NYC firehouses, "Want me to drop you off?"
Ah, men, lol!
Eh, no...too short and too bulky. I like 'em tall and lean. Mmm...but then again I'm 6'1" so that's probably why. he-he
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