After much thought, the Lust in Time blog will be closing its doors. We've enjoyed having wonderful guests, lively conversations and informative discussions. To all our friends, we will see you out and about on the 'net and, as always, we welcome your comments and continued friendship--you can find our contact information on our individual web sites, which we hope you'll bookmark and visit often!
Please watch for updates on our upcoming Celtic Spice anthologies at our Celtic Spice website.
Also, please look for us on places like Goodreads.com and Twitter--all the LIT Ladies are tweeting now! Here are our Twitter IDs:
Kristi: KristinaCook
Amanda: AmandaMcIntyre1
Charlotte: ChFeatherstone
We'd love to see you over there!
And lastly, don't forget that both Kristi and Amanda will be at this year's RT Booklover's Convention in Columbus, OH. Additionally, both Kristi and Charlotte will be at the RWA National Conference this July in Nashville, TN. We'd love to see you!
Again, thank you all for the wonderful support and friendship you've shown us through the years. Lord Craven-Moore would say 'goodbye,' but I'm afraid he's too distraught at present...
For now, from all of us--Kristi, Amanda, Charlotte, and his lordship...adieu!
Thanks Kristi, this was not a decision taken lightly, but frankly, Lord Craven lost the estate entirely in a game of cards.
His one weakness (besides women)too ashamed to return, he simply sent his footman with word that we were to pack our things and find our way elsewhere.
Fine payback for the many nights spent at his beckon call...sniff,
but we will not discuss milords downfalls now.
There is always redemption and that is all we can hope for now. Though if I ever catch up with that scoundrel I'm liable to...well, lets just say he'll be limping..in pain...holding his...but I digress...
With fond memories of the manor that we'll treasure forever.
Sniff Sniff Sniffff **tear**
You ladies (And Your Lordship) have run a fine establishment here at LIT.. You did yourselves proud... I had fun here and it introduced me to some wonderful people!!!
Thank you ladies for your time, talent and hard work. I am speaking solely for myself... Thank you!!!!
With love and hugs! Cecile
I'm so sad :( But I hope this means that all three of you are so busy writing that something had to go.
I'll be sure to keep visiting each of your blogs ( I hope you don't give those up as well) because I don't Twitter. I know it's shocking, but true.
Good Luck to you all, and Best Wishes!!
Hi to the LIT ladies, and the LIT readers! What a sad day! :( We have really enjoyed doing the blog, but unfortunately, time became our enemy. We are all very busy writing, and life, and promot etc...has a way of getting in the way of blogging.
We are still keeping up with our blogs, and would love to see you guys there!
Thanks for all your visits, your comments and insightful, not to mention lively conversation!
We will miss you at the LIT manor, but you can easily find us!
Be Well!
Indeed ladies, I am to blame. I could not help myself. Inside, I'm an unrepentent rake!
But, in my defence, I was left on my own, and well, what am I supposed to do when the three women in my life are off writing. Well, there is drunkeness, devilry, debauchery....
Oh, my petite anges, a thousand pardons. From the bottom of my goblet...err...heart, I'm most sorry and humbled.
Now, that that bit is over, who is up for a little Craven-Moore devilry and debauchery? The LIT ladies have left, and in rather high dungeon, I would say. So....the manor is all mine....
Lord CM
Sad to see the blog close, but good luck.
Best wishes to you all, and I'm heartened to know that it's a small world out there :) May you continue to enjoy writing and hanging out with your readers, and I look forward to picking up more of your books soon!!
Sorry to se you go, will catch you around the net though.
Hugs, girls.
Kisses, my lord.
Wow, I didn't expect to see this!
Aw, I'm sorry to see you ladies are closing up! I haven't been online much lately, and thought I'd stop by today. I hope to see you all around the web.
Its really very Sad.
Oh man...a really bad news today. And I was so happy... :(((
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WOW! Am I out of it or what! Been a long time since I've been online blog-hopping and I totally missed this closure! :(
I will miss the girls and Lord Craven. Glad to see he offered some kind of apology. He is a true rake and lives up to his image.
I will see you gals on the flip-side at your blogs.
That's my two pence...and hugs,
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