Yes, really, two auspicious events are happening today...I'm blogging (I know, gasp!) and there is going to be a 'Blue Moon' tonight, this last night of 2009.
A Blue Moon is really just an extra full moon beyond the 12 lunar cycles in a year. It occurs every 2-3yrs, and frequently does have a bluish, milky color to it, owing to dust particles, or swirling snow if you're in Canada, and daresay, the northern midwest of the US (I didn't forget you, Amanda!!). I think it's particularly fitting to have this rare event at the end of the year. It's a gift from Mother Nature, and a visible reminder that something new and exciting will soon follow. As a Cancer, I'm a moon child. I love moon gazing, and if it appears amongst heavy dark skies, I'm thrilled. The more 'angsty' the atmosphere, the more thrilling the charge.
The moon has long been a source of magic, myth and power. I can see why the ancient civilizations, especially the Druids revered, and worshipped it. Imagine viewing a full moon, glowing bright from an oak grove during some ancient Druidic rite? Imagine witnessing the change in the normal silvery radiance into a burning orange glow at the time of harvest. I can imagine the awe of our forebears. I can imagine what they thought of the moon's powers to transform, and the wondered magic it housed.
So, with this rare Blue Moon tonight, I'm convinced that my new year resolutions will be kept. I'm not vowing anything tricky. Yes, I have the standard, I will lose weight, I will eat better and not lack sleep, I will exercise...they're all there in the back of mind. But this year I'm resolving to find some inner peace. Contentment. 2009 has been incredibly good to me, and I have not always been so thankful and gracious for its gifts. In 2010 I will be grateful for what I have, and strive not to yearn for what I may not. I have been incredibly lucky to have such a supportive family and loving husband. I have good friends, and my writing career is taking off. I've gotten that elusive mass market writing contract and I've continued to grow as a writer. I have two wonderful 'sisters' both in friendship and writing with Kristina and Amanda. I also feel a common 'sisterhood' with our LIT visitors and friends. It is enough. More than enough.
So in 2010, I'm striving for an inner peace, and an awakened spirit that allows me to see just how fortunate I really am. It's been long in coming, and tonight, when I look out at the sky, and gaze upon the moon, I'm going to ask for peace and contentment.
To all our LIT visitors, and our readers, on behalf of the LIT ladies and that rakish, outlandish Lord Craven-Moore (who is planning one hell of a rocking Hogmanay!) may you find peace, beauty, and contentment in the new year ahead. I toast to you, a dram of Drambuie so that you may not go thirsty this year, and I pass you a nice fat log of oak, so that your home and hearth may stay warm and cozy!
All the best for 2010 from Amanda, Kristi, and Charlotte...oh, and Lord Craven-Moore, too!!!!
words well said,Charlotte. I hear there are groups organizing "howling" parties at midnight at the height of the full moon's brilliance;)
(Stephanie Meyer fans, perhaps?)
Lord C needs no moon, of course, to have a howling good time--anytime.
I do agree that every now and again its a good thing to stop and count your blessings. In this fast paced world that we live in, its far too easy to get caught in the web and not see what is right in front of us.( Quite often the fodder for romance story plots, btw!)
Like Charlotte, I am grateful for many things, including the support of my family and friends-old and new-in my life.
As a Piscean, I lean toward the supernatural and magical. Some might argue the validity of astrology, but even the Magi of biblical times were considered astrologers--following that bright star. I've always found that a fascinating part of the "Christmas" story.
When I thihnk of the fact that its the same full moon that thousands upon thousands of others have gazed upon, worshipped, howled at and revered for centuries, how could this auspicious "blue moon" on New Years eve be anything BUT magical?
As always,to Kristi, Charlotte and to all our good friends here at the manor--a most splendid wish for a New year filled with potential and possibility!
ath bhliain faoi mhaise!
Happy New Year!
Wow, both of your words have left me feeling inspired. All you ladies rock in my book. It has been a pleasure to know this past year and I am looking forward to continuing that friendship into the New Year. From my hearth to yours... where ever you may dwell... I wish you all a very Blessed, Healthy and Happy New Years! May all your dreams come true.
Well put, Charlotte! This year is all about taking better care of myself and spending more time with my family and friends. I guess, just being a better person all around.
I'm late to the party, as usual, but cheers to all, and best wishes for a lovely, prosperous, healthy, happy 2010! I'm so thankful for my fellow LIT Ladies and all you wonderful, loyal readers who make this a fun, interesting place to 'hang.'
Thank you, and much love to all!
And one more thing! We have a special guest blogger in the Manor tomorrow--so everyone be sure and check back to chat with with author Carrie Lofty, who will be giving away a copy of her newest release, SCOUNDREL'S KISS, tomorrow!
its far too easy to get caught in the web and not see what is right in front of us.( Quite often the fodder for romance story plots, btw!)
lingerie parties
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