Thursday, April 8, 2010


After much thought, the Lust in Time blog will be closing its doors. We've enjoyed having wonderful guests, lively conversations and informative discussions. To all our friends, we will see you out and about on the 'net and, as always, we welcome your comments and continued friendship--you can find our contact information on our individual web sites, which we hope you'll bookmark and visit often!


Please watch for updates on our upcoming Celtic Spice anthologies at our Celtic Spice website.

Also, please look for us on places like and Twitter--all the LIT Ladies are tweeting now! Here are our Twitter IDs:

Kristi: KristinaCook
Amanda: AmandaMcIntyre1
Charlotte: ChFeatherstone

We'd love to see you over there!

And lastly, don't forget that both Kristi and Amanda will be at this year's RT Booklover's Convention in Columbus, OH. Additionally, both Kristi and Charlotte will be at the RWA National Conference this July in Nashville, TN. We'd love to see you!

Again, thank you all for the wonderful support and friendship you've shown us through the years. Lord Craven-Moore would say 'goodbye,' but I'm afraid he's too distraught at present...

For now, from all of us--Kristi, Amanda, Charlotte, and his lordship...adieu!